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Check back regularly to stay informed of landmark decisions and relevant proceedings, as well as news from our legal offices. 

Federal Courts Advised: Check Attorney's Credentials
Federal courts nationwide are being advised to do more to make sure the people who seek permission to represent clients in them are in fact licensed lawyers.


Most Class Action Plaintiffs Don't Seek Certification

A recent study shows that plaintiffs in most diversity cases never asked a judge to "certify a class" of those covered in the suit. 


New Online Presence

Find extensive information on our services and legal specializations online. We look forward to serving you! 


Contact Us

The Law Office of Gregory Rosenberg

530 Boulevard

Kenilworth, NJ 07033



908 272-7283



908 276-6306



Or use our contact form.

Office Hours

We can be reached during the following hours:

9:00am to 5:00pm

